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Slovakia is the first market being considered as an expansion destination for Polish e-commerce companies.
In Slovakia, as much as 91 percent of the population had access to the Internet as early as 2020, creating favorable conditions for e-commerce development. The data shows that 69 percent of these people use online shopping, indicating a high willingness of Slovaks to purchase products online. Thus, by abandoning traditional sales channels, you can effectively reach customers who prefer convenient online shopping.
More and more Slovaks are choosing to shop via mobile devices. According to data from the platform, as much as 61 percent of online purchases are made via smartphones or tablets. This shows that the Slovak market appreciates mobility and convenience, which creates opportunities for modern retailers to reach customers who appreciate shopping anytime, anywhere.
The Slovak e-commerce market is growing steadily, with volumes reaching $2.6 billion in 2021. This is particularly promising for new companies that may want to expand in a dynamic and growing market. What's more, e-commerce's share of retail trade is increasing year after year, opening up new opportunities for online sellers.
Slovaks are open to buying from abroad, which increases the chances for international retailers to establish a presence in this market. Czech brands are particularly popular here, showing that neighboring markets can easily take advantage of this readiness for diverse offerings. Thanks to existing economic and cultural ties, cooperation with Czech e-commerce platforms gives opportunities to enter the Slovak market even more flexibility and efficiency. is one of the largest online electronics stores in Eastern Europe. Several years ago, Alza expanded its offerings to include products from third-party partners.
Managed by Allegro, the largest Czech marketplace. The platform covers the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary.
German retail giant, one of the fastest growing sales platforms on the European market
Selling on Allegro means access to more than 22 million users and huge exposure from day one.
Alza – bliska alternatywa dla Allegro Za sprawą głośnego przejęcia platformy Mall w Czechach przez grupę Allegro i otworzenia platformy coraz więcej polskich m
Shumee to paneuropejski ekosystem e-commerce, który umożliwia sprzedaż on-line w modelu cross-border na 15 rynkach UE plus Ukraina i Rosja poprzez 37 największych platform ty
Transgraniczny handel elektroniczny definiuje się jako proces handlu online lub sprzedaży między dwoma podmiotami, firmą (sprzedawcą internetowym) i klientem (lub konsumentem)
Take advantage of our expertise in selling on international platforms.