+48 42 214 44 39
ul. 1 Maja 31/33
90-739 Łódź
Finland's e-commerce market is growing rapidly, currently accounting for 16% of all Finnish retail trade. The sector's revenues are projected to reach nearly $9.94 billion by 2028. For Polish entrepreneurs, this means an opportunity to enter a market that is not only developing rapidly, but also anticipates further growth, which could be the key to expanding business internationally.
Data shows that as many as 44% of Finnish consumers buy products from other EU countries. This shows that Finnish customers are open to international shopping, which creates excellent opportunities for Polish online stores to gain customers in this market. By entering the Finnish market, Polish companies can take advantage of the existing interest in products from outside Finland.
Finland has one of the most developed digital infrastructures in Europe, with a strong focus on automation of logistics processes and technological innovations such as AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality). As a result, Polish e-shops can offer an advanced and satisfying shopping experience, which will attract and retain Finnish consumers.
E-commerce is popular among Finns, especially in the 25-44 age group, where as many as 79% of consumers regularly shop online. This is an excellent target for Polish e-stores, especially from branches such as fashion, electronics and hobbies, which are among the top most frequently purchased categories in Finland. Polish brands can gain an advantage by tailoring their offerings to the preferences of this group, offering special promotions, personalization and efficient payment methods.
Transgraniczny handel elektroniczny definiuje się jako proces handlu online lub sprzedaży między dwoma podmiotami, firmą (sprzedawcą internetowym) i klientem (lub konsumentem)
Finlandia, mimo że jest jednym z najmniej zaludnionych krajów Europy, może pochwalić się zaawansowaną infrastrukturą cyfrową. Zaawansowane systemy zarządzania zapasami, au
Wzrost globalizacji i rozwój technologii e-commerce otwierają przed przedsiębiorcami internetowymi nieskończone możliwości. Wielu sprzedawców, pragnąc rozszerzyć swoją dz
Ruszamy w Skandynawię! Co ciekawe, powszechnie używany termin Skandynawia nie ma jednoznacznej definicji i w jej skład, w zależności od definicji, zaliczane są różne kraje.
Take advantage of our expertise in selling on international platforms.