+48 42 214 44 39
ul. 1 Maja 31/33
90-739 Łódź
There are as many as four online stores for every 1,000 residents, making the country the European leader in terms of the number of e-stores per capita.
Romania is the fastest growing e-commerce market in Central and Eastern Europe, with annual sales growth of 30%. It's an ideal place for entrepreneurs ready to expand and looking for new, fast-growing markets.
Romania offers higher shopping cart values compared to other European countries like Germany and the Czech Republic. The average order value is PLN 495, which means the potential for higher margins.
Pandemic has significantly increased the popularization of card payments and other modern methods. Today, as many as 56% of e-consumers use payment cards, indicating growing confidence in secure online transactions.
High sales potential
As many as 66% of Internet users in Romania shop online at least once a year, an impressive number compared to other countries in the region. Romanians are increasingly turning to products from foreign stores, creating a growth opportunity for international retailers. is one of the largest retailers of consumer electronics and home appliances in Romania.
Transgraniczny handel elektroniczny definiuje się jako proces handlu online lub sprzedaży między
Branża modowa jest jednym z największych sektorów w globalnym handlu internetowym. Prognozy (stat
Eksperci przewidują, że do 2025 r. platformy marketplace będą odpowiadać za 65 proc. transgrani
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