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E-commerce in Poland still has strong growth potential, with forecasts predicting that its value could reach PLN 192 billion by 2028.
The Polish e-commerce market has seen impressive growth, especially since the pandemic. There was about 40% growth in 2020, and it is now worth more than 92 billion zlotys. It is expected that by 2026 e-commerce will account for as much as 20% of retail sales in Poland, which shows great potential for growth in various sectors such as food, health and beauty.
Polish consumers choose a wide range of products online, from clothing, footwear and cosmetics to household appliances and electronics. In addition, categories such as groceries are gaining in popularity. Understanding consumers' shopping preferences allows retailers to better tailor their offerings to the market.
There are about 30 million users of the Internet in Poland, 79% of whom have already made online purchases. The broad customer base is a huge opportunity for retailers to reach a diverse demographic, including women (52%) and men (45%) across age groups. Consumers are increasingly accustomed to the convenience and benefits of online shopping.
Modern infrastructurePoland has an extensive logistics infrastructure with popular delivery options such as parcel machines (used by 85% of online shoppers) and courier services. In addition, preferred payment methods, such as BLIK, facilitate transactions, which supports the growing number of online purchases. This makes online shopping not only easy, but also attractive to a wide range of customers.a logistics
An online shopping platform created by Velobank. Organic and economical products from a wide variety of categories are offered and promoted on the platform.
The largest and most popular product price comparison engine in Poland. Ceneo is one of the largest databases of product reviews on the Polish Internet.
Currently, more than 21,000 Polish sellers offering more than 17 million products are registered on the platform. is visited by more than 6.5 million buyers each month
Selling on Allegro means access to more than 22 million users and huge exposure from day one.
Empik Marketplace has become the third sales platform in Poland. Over the past 3 years, Empik Marketplace has seen nothing but growth, and growth of over one hundred percent!
There is no other such strong marketplace in the fashion category. Zalando began its history in Germany, but quickly conquered all of Europe.
Rozpoczęcie sprzedaży na Zalando to proces pełen wyzwań, od uzyskania akceptacji platformy, przez spełnianie rygorystycznych wymagań dotyczących produktów, aż po zarządza
Witaj w świecie, gdzie zakupy idą w parze z miłością do naszej planety!
Transgraniczny handel elektroniczny definiuje się jako proces handlu online lub sprzedaży między dwoma podmiotami, firmą (sprzedawcą internetowym) i klientem (lub konsumentem)
Polska należy do jednych z lepiej rozwiniętych krajów w zakresie systemów płatności. Większość z nas już dawno przyzwyczaiła się do szybkich przelewów, BLIKa czy innyc
Take advantage of our expertise in selling on international platforms.