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GDP per capita expressed in purchasing power standards in Spain is 30,300 (86% of the EU average). The Spanish are among the European leaders in the mobile shopping category.
The Spanish e-commerce market is growing at a rapid pace, recording 17% year-on-year growth in 2021. Despite lagging behind European leaders for a long time, it is currently one of the fastest growing e-commerce markets in Europe. The market value is forecast to be USD 41 billion in 2022, and the fact that this market is still far from saturation indicates a huge potential for further growth and opportunities for new players.
As many as 52% of Spanish consumers say they shopped online more often in 2020, which puts Spain first in Europe in this respect. Additionally, 71% of Spaniards make purchases abroad, most often through platforms such as Amazon or Aliexpress. This shows that Spanish consumers are open to new brands and products from abroad, which creates opportunities for international retailers looking to enter this market.
The Spanish are among the European leaders in terms of shopping via mobile devices, which indicates an advanced approach to technology and readiness to use modern forms of shopping. The growing popularity of mobile commerce creates excellent conditions for e-tailers to develop their mobile applications and sales strategies that can generate significant revenue.
The pandemic has accelerated digital transformation in Spain, especially among small and medium-sized enterprises, which constitute a significant part of the market. Due to the shortage of capital and experienced employees, Spanish companies may be interested in cooperation with external providers of e-commerce technologies and services, which creates additional business opportunities for companies with experience in this field.
Absolute ecommerce world leader. Amazon has more than 300 million active customer accounts and more than 1.9 million retail partners worldwide.
Sprzedaż na Amazonie otwiera przed przedsiębiorcami drzwi do globalnego rynku. Ten poradnik pomoże ci zrozumieć kluczowe aspekty prowadzenia skutecznej sprzedaży na tej platfo
Eksperci przewidują, że do 2025 r. platformy marketplace będą odpowiadać za 65 proc. transgranicznej sprzedaży internetowej w Europie. Transgraniczny rynek e-commerce w Europ
Analiza przeprowadzona przez portal Cross-border Magazine pokazuje, że ponad 40% globalnych wydatków online po pandemii miało miejsce na platformach marketplace. Aż 72% kupują
Pandemia COVID-19 sprzyja rozwojowi handlu internetowego. Ekonomiści i analitycy na całym świecie są zgodni, a dane dotyczące sprzedaży internetowej potwierdzają to założe
Take advantage of our expertise in selling on international platforms.