+48 42 214 44 39
ul. 1 Maja 31/33
90-739 Łódź
Get customers from the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Italy.
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„Aenean sed lorem est. Sed quis neque ut nibh suscipit imperdiet ac non augue. Aenean ornare sit amet lectus non tristique.”
ManoMano is the largest marketplace with products and services in the DIY, gardening and renovation categories in Europe.
High Carbon Score in the industry, sustainable offers and deliveries, promotion of used and refurbished products.
Selling on ManoMano is completely free. ManoMano negotiates commissions individually with each seller.
Sales support at every level.
We will first prepare your products into the file required by ManoMano. Then we will create product cards and help you update your product inventory and prices in your ManoMano account.
We ensure constant communication with the customer through email, telephone contact and through internal messaging on sales platforms - both before, during and after delivery. We track shipments and provide tracking codes, ensuring transparency in the delivery process. We provide support in the case of returns and complaints, and contact platform support in case of problems with maintaining service quality. In addition, we assist in the transaction settlement process to ensure the smooth circulation of finances.
Sodales Malesuada Vestibulum
Take advantage of our expertise in selling on international platforms.