+48 42 214 44 39
ul. 1 Maja 31/33
90-739 Łódź
Sprzedawaj efektywnie na międzynarodowych platformach marketplace.
Full, comprehensive and professional sales service cross-border
We will integrate your products with foreign platforms.
We will translate the names, descriptions and other attributes of your products.
We handle messages from customers, process returns and complaints.
Thanks to our network of warehouses, we will send your products anywhere in Europe.
Where do we sell?
Shumee is distributing our products through our dropshipping solution.
We are convinced that this partnership between Shumee and Octopia is full of business opportunities.
With the help of Shumee’s knowledge, experience and network, we have a very reliable partner
that can successfully offer our product range on the Polish market.
Shumee pomaga naszej marce wypłynąć na szerokie wody europejskich marketplace’ów, zdejmując z naszych barków
wyzwania związane z transportem towaru oraz obsługą klienta końcowego.
Shumee is partnering with MSY on Dropshipping based and distributing
our products on different marketplaces in Europe.
Shumee to solidny partner, skutecznie sprzedający produkty Songmicshome, w tym sprzedaż cross-border.
Z pełnym przekonaniem rekomendujemy Shumee S.A. jako rzetelnego partnera w e-commerce.
Wszystkim firmom zainteresowanym rozwojem sprzedaży zagranicznej na
platformie Zalando rekomenduję nawiązanie współpracy z Shumee SA.
Are you looking to make your renovation dreams a reality?
We handle foreign sales end-to-end. With us you gain time to develop your business.
We are the only one in Poland to offer integration with more than 30 sales platforms in 20 markets.
We have many years of experience in managing foreign sales.
They wrote about us
Our partners
Take advantage of our expertise in selling on international platforms.